Categories, Infertility/TTC

TTC Journey (Before Arya)

I have always longed to be a mom and love being around children. (Hence, why I have a degree in education.) When my husband and I got married in 2011 we were not completely ready for children though. We were living in the Philadelphia suburbs in an 800 square foot apartment and definitely did not have space for another human. Instead, we adopted our very loveable and obnoxiously loud cat named Albert (seriously, he is the loudest cat ever). When we moved to a bigger apartment we decided to then adopt a dog, our cranky old lady-dog Lulu. Life was full and chaotic but I longed to have a baby.

Eventually, we moved closer to home and decided we would start trying for a baby in late 2013. I thought since I was young I would get pregnant instantly since both of my sisters had their children fairly easy. However, that wasn’t the case. August 2014 came around and I was still not pregnant. I went to my doctor for my annual appointment and discussed about trying. My doctor told me to call the infertility specialist and schedule an appointment for the end of 2014.

I felt so defeated as I called the fertility specialist for an appointment. The receptionist scheduled our appointment for January 13th, 2015. She then said, “If anything changes please call us.” As I hung up the phone I thought, “Yeah right, I will definitely be going to that appointment.”

The months went by and I kept feeling defeated that there was no pregnancy in my near future. Finally, January 2015 came and my body felt completely different. I didn’t want to buy into the idea of being pregnant since I didn’t want a big letdown if I wasn’t. On January 10th, 2015 I woke up early and took a test. Instantly, two lines showed up on the test and I was so excited.



Photo by Seth Macey on Unsplash

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